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Day 21 - July 6th

By Martin Westra,

After having a good nights sleep and a breakfast at the Subway some people go their own way. Some of them take the train to New York and others go to Owasco to rent a giant transportation unit to go further by themselves, further into the wide world. There also is a group which goes back home.

That is the group I also belong to. I’m not going home because I’m homesick, not at all. So I think I will return once, because it is certainly is worth it.

Today is a day full of looking back at all the nice activities like rafting, mountain biking and tree climbing.

Day 20 - July 5th

Door Ellen en Bart

Veel te vroeg begon alweer de laatste dag van de bedrijfsbezoeken. Deze dag stonden Magna-promatec en hydrogen village op het programma.

Day 19 - July 4th

By Lars Zondervan,

Day 18 - July 3th

By Hylco de Boer

After the raft adventure of the previous day, we were glad we could sleep a little longer, but still almost everyone was tired. Fortunate the activities of today would not be that fatiguing. After a breakfast of fresh baked croissants we started driving from Mont Tremblant, Quebec to Toronto, Ontario. Traditionally the wake-up CD had to be played first. One the companions - that joint us this week - did not seem to appreciate it but maybe after a week he will.

Day 17 - July 2nd

By Danny Haak

After a day of driving and relaxing the real action had to start: we were going to raft! The place were this started was unfortunately in the middle of nowhere, so we had to drive an hour and a half through the beautifull landscape of Québec. There were some roads, but most of them were mountainroads: small, a lot of turns and almost gravel-like pavement, so a real challenge for the drivers. Nonetheless, it was a very nice trip.

Day 16 - July 1st

By Mariëlla Verhage and Bram Julsing

Although there were no excursions planned, the day began again too early. The trip of 240 km started of course with the “opsta-CD” and went to Mont Tremblant. It was really a non-chilling ride, because the roads we drove on were absolutely horrible. Those French guys don’t know how to make proper roads (or they just don’t have enough money). Finally, after hours of being tortured, we reached the idyllic hostel. Unfortunately we were not permitted to bring our just new bought beers into the hostel.

Day 15 - June 30th

By Danny Haak

This day was the first occasion to take some long sleep, we had the ability to rest untill 11 o'clock, which was very welcome to the people that went out the night before. The people that didn't go dancing and partying, had the occasion to visit the wonderful old city of Québec, filled with old buildings and nice restaurants.

Day 14 -June 29th

By Floris van den Brink

At 7:15, the day started with a kind wake-up call. According to some people a little early, but the breakfast compensated a lot. After this, everybody went fresh and happy to our first company: the National Optics Institute, or Institut Nationale d'Optique (INO) according to the French Canadians...

Day 13 - June 28th

Door Martin Tijmes

Vanochtend was ons laatste dagdeel in Montreal. De wekker ging rond kwart over 7, waarna we bepakt en al met de busjes richting Bombardier vertrokken.
Maar voordat we goed en wel het centrum uit waren, moesten we wel een stukje file rijden. Het is bijna ongelofelijk hoe druk het in en om Montreal zijn in de spitsuren.

Bij Bombardier aangekomen, was het in eerste instantie een beetje onduidelijk waar we moesten zijn, maar even later warden we opgehaald om een rondleiding te krijgen in de assemblage fabriek.

Day 12 - June 27th

By Mariëlla Verhage


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